Challenging yet Accessible
Most of my compositions have been written for, and used by, my own choirs and the congregations I have served, or have been commissioned by colleagues.
Contact me directly about availability,
or for complimentary review copies.
Published Anthems
Order from the publisher or your music supplier
An endless Alleluia (Selah Publishing)
For two equal voices and organ. Written for the Summer Choir Camp of the Diocese of Delaware, 1977.
As the deer longs (Selah Publishing)
SATB and organ. Commissioned for a Baptism, the text includes several scriptures designate by the Book of Common Prayer for that Rite.
Put your trust in God (Selah Publishing)
SATB and organ. Commissioned in memory of Ruth Hines Gardner,
Winner of the 2020 Fyfe Prize (Sewanee Church Music Conference)
Come, thou Fount of every blessing (St James Music Press)
Unison and keyboard setting of the alternate tune in 4/4.
An Open Door ​(MorningStar Music)
SATB and organ. Suitable for Stewardship, Advent, General use
Maria walks amid the thorn
Traditional German carol, in a simple SATB setting, unaccompanied. Advent or Christmas.
Behold now, bless the Lord
SATB and organ. A festive setting, commissioned for the ordination to the priesthood of a former chorister.
Like the murmur of the dove's song
SATB unaccompanied. A quiet, reflective setting of Carl Daw's meditative invocation of the Holy Spirit.
Protect me, O God
SATB or Unison with Keyboard and optional C instrument. Verses of Psalm 16 in Christopher Webber's metrical paraphrase, composed for the Great Vigil of Easter.
The Lord of Hosts is with us
Unison and Keyboard. A vigorous, rhythmic setting of Psalm 46, composed for the Easter Vigil.
I will sing to the Lord (Song of Moses)
SATB and organ, optional congregation, for the Easter Vigil.
Music for Proper Liturgies
Palms Procession Acclamations
A chant for use in the Palms Procession when coordination of singers is difficult or impossible, e.g. when passing through doorways or narrow halls. The three acclamations may be assigned and learned independently, and sung without any attempt or need to coordinate among the singers.
Passion according to John (RSV)
SATB unaccompanied setting of the Turba crowd portions of the Passion, to be used with the traditional plainsong tone for three cantors.
Easter Morning Visit to the Tomb (Quem quaeritis)
The ancient dramatic portrayal of the women coming to the tomb, and their dialogue with the angel. SATB and organ, with optional brass quartet and timpani.
Procession for Candlemas
Choir, congregation and organ. Chant setting of Nunc dimittis and Psalm 48 with congregational antiphons, for the opening procession on the Feast if the Presentation.
Service Music for
Congregation and Choir
Highlands Communion Service
Unison setting of Rite II texts, for Congregation (with or without choir) and organ, in humble homage to Healey Willan. Kyrie
(Greek and English), Trisagion, Gloria in excelsis, Sanctus (also
in WLP, #851), Agnus Dei. Brass quartet parts are available.
Festival Te Deum
Choir, optional Congregation, and organ. Contemporary language setting from Supplemental Liturgical Texts (PB Studies 30).
Sanctus and Agnus Dei "in popular style"
Congregation and piano, optional guitar, bass, percussion.
Rock-flavored Sanctus; Agnus Dei has optional canon for flute or other C instrument.
Fraction Anthem (Advent)
You shall eat and drink at my table
Congregation, choir, and organ; antiphon with chant-style verse.
Fraction Anthem (Eastertide)
The disciples knew the Lord Jesus
(also in WLP, #876)
Fraction Anthem (General)
I am the Bread of Life
(also in WLP, #762)